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Posts posted by SilvaSmoke

  1. On 14/07/2020 at 11:27, Thanquol666 said:

    But won't the peeps start demanding more intense rides as the game proceeds? In my parks I pretty much don't even bother with building the gentle rides since they don't get more than a couple of peeps wanting to ride them after about half a year ingame, even with ticket prices as low as .20c. Even the excilting rides like the twister and the motion simulator rides don't attract any thing worthy of being considered a crowd after a while, even when being renewed. 


    My understanding is that it's the "Preferred Ride Intensity" stat of a guest that determines what they think about a particular ride, with "I want to go on something more thrilling than ____" coming up if the ride is lower than preferred and "____ looks too intense for me" if it's higher.

    Going back to the original question: There are some thrill rides with intensity levels comparable to roller coasters (eg. Rotodrop) that could potentially work in a "no roller coasters" challenge. That still leaves issues with ride availability by scenario and objectives that specifically call for coasters, though.

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