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  1. The problem was the client-version. It wasn't the development build.
  2. Ok, I solved my problem. I compiled OpenRCT2 from github.
  3. Hi, now I installed OpenRCT2 on Debian 10: When I start a server with the following command, then there comes an error-message: --------------------------------------------------------- openrct2@2f21c4ac-26ca-4ba7-8d15-270032ef22df:~$ openrct2 host savefile.sv6 --headless ERROR[/root/OpenRCT2/src/openrct2/network/Socket.cpp:261 (Listen)]: IPV6_V6ONLY failed. 92 Ready for clients... openrct2 $ WARNING[/root/OpenRCT2/src/openrct2/network/Socket.cpp:785 (CreateSocket)]: IPV6_V6ONLY failed. 92 --------------------------------------------------------- When I try to join: --------------------------------------------------------- openrct2 $ ERROR[/root/OpenRCT2/src/openrct2/network/Network.cpp:2814 (Server_Handle_AUTH)]: Unknown failure (3) while authenticating client --------------------------------------------------------- -> client message: "Connection closed" Please help.
  4. Hi, I have a Debian VServer (headless, only shell, SSH) and want to install OpenRCT2-Server to play the game with my friends. I tried to add the repository (PPA) to the sources.list, but there is an error from python (apt-get update). My question is: Can I install OpenRCT2 (Server) on a headless VServer (Linux-System)? P.S.: I had downloaded the gamefiles with steamcmd.
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