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Everything posted by Hans5849

  1. Well, as I wrote: This was meant to serve as an updated version of that guide, as DESTDIR wasn't included in that guide so it wasn't included here. If you have a manner to improve what I have written please write it out, otherwise your thoughts carry as much weight as the electrons that brought them here. If you notice I added Gymnasiast's recommendation to use make install over the previous method of running it from the folder.
  2. I can be as sarcastic as I want, I scoured the available resources to come up with something that benefits others. Upon finding a problem with the process I displayed it in a manner where other people wouldn't have to spend time figuring it out. If using 'make install' is the correct way to do it why not make changes here so others don't run into problems.
  3. Addendum: I was having constant errors with the objects. Followed this and created a folder called "object" in the data folder. I unzipped the contents of to here and copied the contents of the /rct/app/ObjData to /data/rct2 and everything worked. Only took 4 days to figure that problem out.
  4. Found it. the folder needed to be called "object".
  5. My folder structure looks like this: OpenRCT2 -OpenRCT2 -->build -->data -RCT -->app The folder build is where I complied the program at and app is where innoextract extracted the setup files to. In a subfolder of app (ObjData) I am able to find the .dat files with names matching the names of the missing files. I linked the data folder using the command ln -s ../data data into the build folder. The data folder has a subfolder called objects with the contents of in it and within that folder lies the folders -official -rct1 -rct2 -rctt -rctww. I copied the contents of ObjData to the folder rct2. Still the objects could not be found.
  6. Hello, I recently got OpenRCT2 running on my RPi4 w/ RPi OS, but I am still having a final problem that I don't know how to solve. I am trying to play Six Flags Great Adventure to test the program but a bunch of objects are missing. I press the download all button but the objects don't download, the only indication I have is in the terminal window "query failed (status 500)". Any assistance would be appreciated.
  7. The previous guide was a bit out of date so I created this: I make a folder called OpenRCT2 that contained two sub folders: OpenRCT2 and RCT. OpenRCT was built after using the git command to download the latest repo. RCT is where I saved the source install file and extracted it using innoextract. Part 1 Purchase and extract the original RCT files. I used the GOG version of the installer. sudo apt update sudo apt install innoextract mkdir OpenRCT2 && cd OpenRCT2 mkdir RCT && cd RCT This folder is where the main RCT files will go. Transfer the setup files to this folder from where ever you may have them: EX I navigated to the USB folder with the files in it and transferred from there sudo mv setup_roller* [Path to RCT] && cd [Path to RCT] From the folder where the installer was transferred to innoextract setup* The RCT2 files are now in the folder: ../OpenRCT2/RCT/app Part 2 Building for RPi 4 Based off with updates sudo apt install cmake libsdl2-dev libicu-dev gcc pkg-config libjansson-dev libspeex-dev libspeexdsp-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libcrypto++-dev libfontconfig1-dev libfreetype6-dev libpng-dev libssl-dev libzip-dev build-essential make duktape-dev -y Note: may require additional libraries: cd .. (should be a the top OpenRCT2 folder now) I also installed google benchmark via git. directions provided there. Benchmark cmake: cmake ../ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-mcpu=cortex-a72" sudo apt full-upgrade This step ensures that the system is fully up to date and the required dependencies are installed. At this point I expect you’re in the folder ../OpenRCT with the subfolder of RCT. git clone cd OpenRCT2 mkdir build && cd build cmake ../ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-Ofast -DNDEBUG -mcpu=cortex-a72" *Updated for RPi4 CPU make make g2 cp g2.dat [Path to/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2/data/. ] EX: cp g2.dat /home/pi/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2/data/. ln -s ../data data To install the game: sudo make install Alternatively: start the game from the build directory: ./openrct2 There's a setting that causes it to crash with a segmentation fault but I haven't narrowed it down to which one. It's random title sequence. If that happens: cd ~/.config/OpenRCT2 rm config.ini Or you can try and edit it using a text editor. Happy Gaming
  8. This is from my Linux setup: My setup file is titled setup_rollercoaster_tycoon_2_triple_thrill_pack_2.01.043_(17987) sudo apt update sudo apt install innoextract cd to the setup download directory innoextract setup_rollercoaster*
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