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  1. I found the solution on the Discord server. The scenario won't save if any of these three objects are selected: giant panda (rct2.dlc.bigpanda.parkobj), bamboo shoots (rct2.dlc.pandagr.parkobj), or panda trash bin (rct2.dlc.litterpa.parkobj). Removing these objects from my scenario allowed me to save. It's my understanding that a fix is in the works.
  2. When trying to save a scenario I'm given the message that the scenario failed to save. The title of the scenario will be visible in the scenarios menu but will not load.
  3. Using the tile inspector I've figured out that there are numerous entrances placed on the map. They are all located on the base layer. It seem as though when I click the entrance placement button that my cursor is placing entrances as if it were a brush. This only occurs if I raise the level of the map, whether through the map generation function or manually with the landscape tool. The only way I can place a single entrance is if I keep the map height unchanged.
  4. Here's a screenshot showing the message and the tiles that can't be changed.
  5. I'm running into a problem when I try to place the park entrance in the scenario editor. It tells me I have too many park entrances, when there are none visible on the map. I'm not sure if this is related, but there are also tiles which can't be changed to "owned", as though there are invisible objects in the way.
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