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Everything posted by two100meterman

  1. Okay, I have found the Steam Directory, & the folder that Roller Coaster Tycoon Deluxe is in, but I'm not sure how to "add" RCT1 Deluxe onto OpenRCT so that both RCT1 & RCT2 are there. Okay, I figured it out, I dragged a bunch of stuff from OpenRCT into the place where RCT Deluxe is. Unfortunately my save files are probably on the RCT1 CD, so that is all gone, but at least I have access to RCT1/RCT2 scenarios. Now if only I could figure out how to delete this thread that would be great.
  2. Okay, I have found the Steam Directory, & the folder that Roller Coaster Tycoon Deluxe is in, but I'm not sure how to "add" RCT1 Deluxe onto OpenRCT so that both RCT1 & RCT2 are there.
  3. Looking to get back into RCT, I have a CD copy of RCT2+both expansions, but I no longer know where my RCT1+expansions CD is, so I just paid the $6.00 to download it on steam. I'm now downloading OpenRCT v0.4.3 64-bit, but I can't get it to work with either RCT2 CD or RCT1 Steam. For RCT1 it's "Roller Coaster Tycoon: Deluxe" off of steam. When I double click the OpenRCT shortcut it wants me to "select the directory where you installed Roller Coaster Tycoon Classic", but I'm not sure how to find steam game files, I thought they were just on steam. I'm also hoping Roller Coaster Tycoon "Classic" & "Deluxe" are considered the same-ish thing & can both work for OpenRCT2. For RCT2 as I was typing this I figured out that portion & somehow my stuff is saved from 2 or 3 years ago =O. I just need to figure out how to get my RCT1 stuff back, I am hoping that I did that on OpenRCT or else I'll have lost the completion of all 81 scenarios =s, but if I did it on an RCT1 CD I guess that's that.
  4. I noticed that the calculation for On-Ride Photos makes the assumption that every single guest that rides the ride buys a Photo. Here it shows that 696 customers ride this ride per hour: Here it says that the Income per hour is $1531.20: I had each photo priced at $2.40 which gives $2.20 profit per photo sold. 696 x 2.2 is 1531.20. So the game is calculating that every single guest is buying an On-Ride Photo. In reality 10 people out of 100 have bought an On-Ride Photo so far, so the actual income is more like $153/hour which is lower than the upkeep. The game isn't giving the extra money or anything, it just shows the wrong number for how much money is coming in. There would either need to be a "Customers that bought On-Ride Photo per hour" or after taking the "Customer" value per hour (in this case 696) it would need to be multiplied by the ratio of guests who went on the ride, compared to guests who bought an On-Ride Photo, so in this particular case 100 rode the ride, 10 bought a Photo, so the income off of On-Ride Photo's needs to be divided by 10.
  5. Long time RCT fan, recently in 2018 I finally decided to beat RCT1 expansions, I played 6 hours/day for 7~8 weeks straight to complete all 81ish scenarios, then got to maybe the 5th scenario of RCT2 but got bored because I had played way too much in a small period of time. Just downloaded OpenRCT2 and I'm wondering what everyone views as the best way to experience it is. I feel like RCT2 doesn't have the same difficulty progression that RCT1 has (like a Beginner level is sometimes already at 4 years and 1500+ guests) and the scenarios are just more bland. I enjoy the experience of starting on an easier level and then progressing to beat a really hard level, I'm more-so into the video game aspect of RCT than making a park look really nice/realistic (I know that has it's own different challenges). I enjoyed levels like Rainbow Valley in RCT1 where I couldn't delete trees or build over a certain height as I had to try my skills at making custom rides that hit the level goal under restrictions. Is there this type of enjoyment in the main scenarios of RCT2? I'm not the most tech savvy, but I believe you can download scenarios other people make as well as make your own scenarios? Maybe I could find someone that makes progressively challenging levels and download/play their scenarios instead of just playing the RCT2 scenarios? I heard maybe 1.5 years ago there was plans to make a whole scenario/game with just user made scenarios, is that done/downloadable somewhere? Thanks in advance 😃
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