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  1. Hey! I downloaded the latest releaese of OpenRCT2 for MacOS, I have the data files for RCT2 Thrill Pack, I connected everything, the game starts, but this "cheat" button at the top is not there, can somebody explain me why and how I can fix this? Also, the last time I played it all of the parks were enabled, now none of the TT and WW-Parks are enabled, does anyone have an idea for this? Thanks in advance!
  2. First of all: Many thanks for the existing of this forum and community! I'm living my childhood again :-D. I just finished building my scenario and started to build around when I noticed that people get stuck next to the path. Is there any possibility to fix that without starting to build everything new? I build much more as theres seen on the screenshot and this would be .. kinda a pain in the ass, I think you know that feeling.. Thanks!
  3. Hey there! I'm playing the latest version on a MacBook and noticed, that I can't unchoose anything that is already chose or that was prechosen in the scenario editor. Any idea why and how to fix this? In the screenshot you can see for example that a park entrance is already choosen, but I don't see any box ticked to untick it.
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