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Everything posted by Gooze

  1. update for anyone trying to right click on a newer mac-book pro - I did not realize my default right click gesture is clicking with 2 fingers. In System Preferences > Trackpad you can change this to be clicking in the bottom right, or bottom left of the track pad. Since I could see myself clicking in the bottom left or right in normal game play, I think sticking with the two-finger gesture would work best.
  2. Thanks for the help! From what I gathered on youtube I figured all 3 parts of 1 were not in the cards, had to at least ask as I'll certainly be rebuilding a decent amount. As for 2 I did try restarting the game, not having luck with any custom scenery though. I'll have to look deeper into that.
  3. Hello again, I'm trying to recreate a music festival in open RCT2. I'm new to the game and all that it offers so It's definitely been challenging, but really fun! Along the way I've come up with some questions I could use some help with, so I figured I'd try and throw them out there to see if some of the more experienced players could give me any suggestions. It'd be greatly appreciated! (Please keep in mind I'm on Mac OS, as they may affect some of the file questions/answers below) 1. This is kind of a big issue I ran into, so I'll explain the problem and break it into a few mini-questions. I started building the park off the Woodstock scenario. I put in close to 10hrs of work and realized down the line that I was going to run out of space to build everything I wanted to include in my replica to the proper scale. So I expanded the park in sandbox mode, but it doesn't seem that I can expand it in the directions that I need to based on what I've already built.. So my questions are... Can you change the direction in which the park expands? In Tile Inspector, can you copy and paste items from multiple tiles? In Tile Inspector, can you copy and paste all objects (or mutiple objects) on a tile, rather than individual objects? 2. I'd like to recreate a large steep tent without custom items (as I still can't figure out how to import custom objects into the game). The best way I've come up with so far is to stack/layer block pieces in a square with curved block pieces for corners. It's not bad, but could definitely be better, any suggestions?! (I tried posting a picture of the tent but the images wont upload...picture like a circular teepee shape, just very large!) 3. I guess that brings me to my next question. I tried downloading some .dat files and dropping the in both the following folders with no results: roller coaster tycoon 2 triple thrill pack bundle/ObjData I also went into the toolbox in the title screen and opened the custom object folder and dropped them here as well: OpenRCT2/object Neither worked, I assume this has something to do with me playing on a Mac, I'd really appreciate any suggestions with this as I've downloaded some really cool stuff I'd love to use in my park. 4. More of a general Mac OS question, I cannot right click in the game to edit signs, delete scenery, etc. I've tried command+click, alt+click, control+click, shift+click. I've even tried to sort this out in the shortcut keys, but can't seem to find a way to make it work. I plan to get a mouse to play with, but in the meantime, and for when I cannot use my mouse (on the bus/couch/etc) is there a way to right-click on a Mac in the game? I've posted a few times in these forums and always had quick and serious responses. It's not what I expect every time, but I cannot tell you how thankful and appreciative I am for even getting any response at all. For such an old game, it's incredible to be able to get help with these sorts of things, and I find this community just incredible. I understand this is quite a long post, as I've mentioned above, any help would be truly appreciated. Thanks so much guys, having so much fun playing this game!! 😄
  4. Hey guys, I'm trying to recreate a music festival and downloaded some custom .dat scenery files. I placed them in the ObjData folder where all my original scenery seems to be located but they dont appear in my scenery, or in the custom scenario editor. Is there a way to get custom downloaded .dat files into open rct2? Thanks!
  5. Hey friends, I have really racked my brain all day trying to figure out how to get Open RCT2 to work on my macbook pro. First, I downloaded the application from the site, and quickly realized it cannot be played without a purchased version of RCT or RCT2. I found through the overview on the Open RCT2 site that one possible way to do this would be to purchase the game through GOG. I purchased the game, and have the downloaded .exe file, but cannot for the life of me figure out how to extract the files necessary for ORCT2. I've tried Wine, Wine Bottler, PlayOnMac, I've read through forums, checked youtube, google, all of that. I'm not having much luck at all. I was able to get my purchased version of RCT2 running through Wine, but it doesn't appear that I can save, or connect it to ORCT2 in any way. If anyone could help point me in the right direction I would be forever grateful. Maybe within the past year I found out I could play my favorite childhood game on my iOS, and got hooked all over again. Then I saw the things you could do in ORCT2 and I'm just blown away. I'd love to be able to mess around with the seemingly infinite options floating around in that thing.. Can't even tell you how much I'd appreciate some help with this one. I'm not very computer savvy... Thank you!
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