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  1. I am curious if anyone has been able to get OpenRCT2 to run on the new Raspberry Pi 4. I have followed a guide from where they are running OpenRCT2 on a RaspberryPi3B+. I could not get it to work for me on a Raspberry Pi 4. I get as far as the last part where i am trying to start the game. I cd into the build directory I select the folder where I have the Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 game files that I copied from my steam account. Then I get this error in the terminal... ERROR[/home/pi/Games/OpenRCT2-0.1.2/src/openrct2/localisation/LanguagePack.cpp:94 (FromFile)]: Unable to open /home/pi/Games/OpenRCT2-0.1.2/build/data/language/en-GB.txt: Unable to open '/home/pi/Games/OpenRCT2-0.1.2/build/data/language/en-GB.txt' ERROR[/home/pi/Games/OpenRCT2-0.1.2/src/openrct2/localisation/LanguagePack.cpp:94 (FromFile)]: Unable to open /home/pi/Games/OpenRCT2-0.1.2/build/data/language/en-US.txt: Unable to open '/home/pi/Games/OpenRCT2-0.1.2/build/data/language/en-US.txt' ERROR[/home/pi/Games/OpenRCT2-0.1.2/src/openrct2/Context.cpp:312 (Initialise)]: Failed to open configured language... ERROR[/home/pi/Games/OpenRCT2-0.1.2/src/openrct2/localisation/LanguagePack.cpp:94 (FromFile)]: Unable to open /home/pi/Games/OpenRCT2-0.1.2/build/data/language/en-GB.txt: Unable to open '/home/pi/Games/OpenRCT2-0.1.2/build/data/language/en-GB.txt' FATAL[/home/pi/Games/OpenRCT2-0.1.2/src/openrct2/Context.cpp:315 (Initialise)]: Failed to open fallback language... Any help in understanding what I am doing wrong and what I can do to get this running on my raspberry pi 4 would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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