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Everything posted by bengalsguy

  1. Follow the instructions from Jennyfahhh but replace the numbers in step 6 with 285310 285311. These numbers can be found here by searching for the specific game.
  2. If anyone possibly knows what the issue is that would be much appreciated!
  3. Yes mine freeze which results in a crash. I am using build v.0.3.2-416-g052306f99 (052306f on develop)
  4. Hello, Using the latest build some of my parks that I previously worked on will run for about 30 seconds and then crash the game out of nowhere. It's always consistent at the same time after it loads with a few of my parks but not all. Not sure what the problem is. Attached is one of the save files that it is occurring. 1578719864_ParamountCarowinds2004Closed.SV6
  5. Thank you very much! it worked!😁
  6. So I recently tried to re-download RCT2 and OpenRCT2 to see if that would work but with no luck. Here is one of my files that are having issues, it works for about 30 seconds and then crashes. Please note that this is occurring for more than one of my files but not all. Probably around 40% of them do this. Holiday World.sv6 copy
  7. hi, I don't mean to be annoying but does anyone have a possible solution to this?
  8. I tried running the most recent update 2.2 (14 days ago) as well as the latest development build.
  9. Hi all, I'm having issues with multiple parks where the game will play for about 5-10 seconds and then crash back to my home screen. My files were all playable at some point but then almost randomly some of my files have this issue. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
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