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  1. Thanks. I figured that would be the case.
  2. Hi, This post would be classified as a "Problem" under this "Problems, Bugs and Feedback" section. I am creating a new server on my Linux server and I wish to keep the server automatically updated. My current problem is that there is no way to directly see what the latest released server version is. I have three options here: Scrape the raw file of and and find out the latest version through that. The problem with that is that I wouldn't know if the latest download was actually released on and I wouldn't want to compile it myself if it'll take a couple of minutes or hours before the latest download is released to the public. Additionally (I haven't tested if the launcher works for a server myself yet) but I could potentially use the launcher to update the server. The problem with this is: I don't even know if you can use the launcher to run a server. Even if the launcher were to update the game itself automatically, I would still have no way of knowing to restart the server. Lastly, I originally planned on checking periodically but then I found this link: which does the same thing. Again, the problem with this is that I'll be able to know when the latest update comes out, but, if it's just a client update I'm not interested in it (since you guys update multiple times a day (which is actually really nice)). I don't know what I can do here. If someone could link me to a way of strictly finding the latest server version and not the client version (something that would be through altapi or similar would be nice) I would appreciate it. Thanks. If this doesn't work out then I guess I will have to keep track of the version number in bullet #1 and check if it changed every time bullet #3 changes.
  3. Hi, I'm writing because I've seen that the 255 limit can be very limiting on popular players. I am new to the game (and subsequently to the forums) but I am just plain amazed at how amazing OpenRCT2 is. I know that there are plans in the future to remove the limits seen in the game but I am curious to how soon something like this will be addressed. I know that there is apparently a large amount of assembly code for the source and it is amazing how people are so dedicated to working on this project. However, on large servers, when you have 50 or so various people (over the lifetime of the map), joining at random times and building their own contraptions, the 255 limit gets hit really quickly. In order to extend the lifetime of the map cutbacks are made to unnecessary stalls and stuff but it would be better if this wasn't necessary in the first place.
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