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  1. I can't believe I made that whole post and then forgot to even post the scenario. My bad, haha. I appreciate the kind words. To be honest, the scenario is not really challenging, maybe even considered easier-than-easy; that's the problem that I've been having. I love designing out the land and making it look good, but when it comes to gameplay, I lack skill in setting up the research patterns, guest moods, objectives, etc. Maybe it would be beneficial for me to look through other custom scenarios and find another way to set it up.
  2. Hey there! First post here. Having played Roller Coaster Tycoon since my elementary school days, I've always held a high level of fascination for other's that share the same passion towards the game. I was really speechless when I recently discovered OpenRCT2, especially after discovering the multiplayer support. Seeing such a large community supporting the development of OpenRCT2 is really awesome. That was just a little introduction about myself considering this is my first post. Anyways... Risky Resort is a little scenario I threw together tonight. Messing with height maps brought some really cool results, so I decided to share them with the community: "Biography: Tourists located in the adjacent areas swarm to see the newly discovered coast that is seemingly perfect. Featuring beautiful coastlines and steep bordering mountains, Risky Resort provides a wide range of climate to explore and adapt to. Objective: To have at least 3,000 guests in your park. You must not let the park rating drop below 700 at any time!" If anyone comes across a time where they want to try out a new (fairly easy, but fun) scenario, I think Risky Resort would be a perfect choice. Guests, like mentioned in the biography, are tourists, so they've brought plenty of money to spend. Let me know what you think!
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