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  1. Thank you for responding and helping me out. Well, none of the ports that are commonly open have resulted in failure. I will have to contact my landlord and see if anything is available to work with. I did get Hamachi, it has been two years since I last used its service and I lack the knowledge of how I can use the network I set up to be multiplayer available. I assume the connection will need to use my IPv4 address? As for the port, I wouldn't know.
  2. I have set up a LAN based game. When I use the add server function to find my own game with a second instance of OpenRCT2, there is no connection. I have used both the network's IP and my IPv4 address in the add server function with no result. I fully allowed the program with Windows firewall. The thing that surprises me is that I can't connect to my server from my own computer (via a second instance of the game). The friend of mine that I am trying to set up this game with has the same issues. We both share the same network and router. I feel like should also clarify that I cannot access the properties or functions of the router as it belongs to my landlord. I figured I could get away with not port forwarding, but if it is a must, then I will not be able to use the multiplayer function. I have tried to change the port to match the last digits of my IP address as I have seen some suggest. I am just curious if I am doing anything wrong or I'm in unfavorable condition. Thanks to anyone who responds to this.
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