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Everything posted by Amendez9193

  1. NVM, I have figured out this method. Thank you so very much! Now I feel like I am no longer limited to my capabilities of building beautiful scenery and now I have my full potential. THANK YOU SO MUCH! <3
  2. Thank you for your reply. What exactly is the "Tile inspector" and how can I find it/ use it? I'm sorry, I fairly new to this.
  3. So I see many parks and rides with beautiful scenery in videos and such and I notice something that people do when building scenery for their attractions and everything. I'd like to know how to do it if anyone knows. Look at my picture for reference. They are able to put a wall that tilts at an angle to fill in triangular corner pieces of their buildings to make the building look more complete and realistic. I always have this problem when making buildings where anytime I make a building like structure, I can't ever fill in these gaps by the roof and it's like a triangular shape corner that leaves a gap. I wan't to be able to fix this. Picture 1 Is my problem, Picture 2 is what i wan't to be able to do or something similar. Is there a button I need to press? Obviously i know using shift and ctrl but is there anything else that i might not know thatr could accomplish this? Thank you.
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