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  1. How come no one has responded with help? Im being serious.
  2. Hi,i just recently installed windows 10 and i saved the folders for openrct2,and i also downloaded a new version of the game. but whenever i try to open the game it shows a black and white screen. This has happened to me in the past,but i dont know what it is.
  3. Thank you so much.
  4. I Have The Same Problem As You. Idk What's Going On With It.
  5. So,I Got The Newest Version Of The Game And When I Go To Multiplayer And Go On ANY Server And Try To Build Rides/Paint Stuff/Place Scenery/Add Paths,Nothing Happens. With The Paint And Scenery,It Appears After I Rejoin.There's No Network Desync. Anyone Know What's Wrong?
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