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Posts posted by koi5

  1. Hi, i'm feeling quite down at the moment, since I spent the last two days working on a park and all of a sudden, when i clicked "unpause" it crashed.

    I had the following message as an error :



    I tried quite a lot of ideas but nothing seems to be able to fix that. If i start the game as it's paused, i can still play it but never unpause. I tried editing my park from there too, but even by deleting the whole thing, it's still the same situation.


    That's why i'm asking for your help now, what can I do. By the way I also tried downloading the latest version of openrct2, but it has no effect at all.

    Hopefully someone will help :)


    (i'm linking my park in the post)(also sorry for the sloppy english, i'm not native, and in a rush right now)



    To anwser the post below, since somehow I can't find a way to respond .. Does that mean there's actually nothing I can do? It's not the first time this bug happened to me, so that's like.. a dead end? Oh and yeah, the latest build just makes it worse, i can't even play while paused



    Edit again : Thank you really much for the help :o I'm going to have a look at that asap!

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