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Posts posted by avenged110

  1. Having only recently discovered this project, I was curious about the resolution and scale factor differences between OpenRTC2 0.0.6 and RCT1 on OS X 10.9.5. I play RCT1 on my MacBook using WineBottler almost without issue, and am able to set the window resolution in-game to 640x480. This results in a view that is capable of getting "close" enough in-game for me to see things adequately (and looks relatively decent in terms of graphics), but can also be zoomed out with the in-game controls. In OpenRTC2, the only way to get effectively as "close" is with the "scale factor" option. However, this results in terrible graphical quality (at least on 0.0.6, I feel like it looked better on 0.0.5). Could someone please explain to me either why this is the case (and something we just have to live with), or how I can achieve something that is at least comparable to RCT1. I would hope that OpenRCT2 would be able to perform and look at least as good as stock RCT1 running on top of a compatibility layer (I know 0.0.6 is still an early release, but this seems applicable regardless.)

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