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  1. so i followed all the steps on the github. it downloaded everything correctly but im having trouble with your steps. When i type that file location into finder it can't find anything. What did you mean by switching the back slashes to forward slashes? Where do i change that? EDIT: I persevered and found it. Press go in top bar. Hold alt so library apears in menu and press that. Then app support >steam. In steam i think the folder is called steam bundle or something similar. Then in there is a icon in there that looks like you're gonna open the app but double click it. in there i think it was under contents and in there was the folder. then copy that to applications. go into openrct and click on that folder where you copied it. This is where it gets weird and i think was partly just a glitch. When i ( she) did this the window opened but was just black. She then closed it and re opened and it started right up. I know this is not perfect but i was doing it for my gf over video chat so i cant replicate it to write this. What i really learned is that i infact will not be going back to mac any time soon. Best of luck.
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