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  1. I made a custom senario and made a mistake where I have to unlock all the coasters and rides. Is there anyway to fix this without having to make an entire new senario? Thanks!
  2. I figured out the problem, it was going to the wrong folder so now If I want to load a game, then I gotta kinda back track and find the right folder, not to hard so its not a big deal
  3. The error states: "unable to load file..." even after I checked the "allow loading files with incorrect checksums. The files are in the right format they just dont seem to be working. I am using the MAC version if that helps with anything
  4. Hi, I am new here and I just have to say I am 100% impressed with this. It is amazing that I can finally play RTC2 on my mac. I was just wondering if there was anyway to load old saved data to make it usable again. I directed the load to my big folder I had saved from RTC2 on my old computer and I saw that when I clicked Load Game on the main menu screen, when I went to open one it said it was unable to there anyway to load old saves or not? If not, I guess it is time to spend way more hours than necessary building new ones! Thanks again for making this!
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