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  1. Hello, I always felt that the water color used in RCT2 "sequel" Chris Sawyer's Locomotion looks more natural and nicer to look at in general. I have noticed OpenRCT2 has adopted many UI improvements that CSLM introduced (such as the train loading screen, updated ride naming dialog, and updated open and save dialogs). So I think adding the updated water color as an option for those who want to use the refined water graphics Chris Sawyer made post-rct2 makes sense. I genuinely believe that had CS made another RCT sequel after 2, he would have used this new water color. Do you have any thoughts or objections?
  2. Hi, So I got an official Silver/platinum version of the RCT2 logo that I want to use on the title screen. This is an official logo, not a fan-made one. Ironically, it is not easy to find on the web. I am going to gift you this rare logo. Again, I can't find it on Google images. It was a part of the special goodies when I bought the GOG version of the game. Hope you like the logo. And can anyone tell us how we can replace the openRCT2 logo with a custom one such as this? Thsnks, and enjoy!
  3. Thank you so much, Good Sir!
  4. When I select RollerCoaster Tycoon 1 music for main menu screen, it tells me to copy the CSS17 file from RCT1's data folder and paste it in RCT2 Data folder and rename it to CSS50. But here's the thing: My RCT1's data folder DOESN'T HAVE A CSS17 file. It has Css16 and Css18, but no Css17. You might be saying the install is corrupt and music file is missing. It is not missing. The menu music plays in RCT1 Delux. So the music is there, it's just not named CSS17. This is a Steam install. Pleas help!
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