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Everything posted by Captaindiptoad

  1. Should be, have not updated since i D/Ld
  2. found it b5706a5
  3. Playing multiplayer with my GF. Setup is as follows Last updated: 2016-04-13 Release version: ^^^ Is this not the build? Also, have never used github, have no idea how it works.
  4. Playing multiplayer with my GF. Setup is as follows Last updated: 2016-04-13 Release version: -My rig Win 10 I7 4790K OCd 4.5Ghz 32GB ram GTX 980Ti EVGA FTW+ OCd 1440Mhz 1200W PSU 4K Asus 28" Various other things -Her Rig Win 7 I5 4670 16GB Ram GTX 970 EVGA FTW OCd 1450Mhz 650W PSU 21" 1600/900 Hosting server at default IP and port, Ports are forwarded. We can usually play for a few mins before she De-syncs from me. From there on we can play like normal, just a few diffs (peep count, rides breaking down, small things) Were now sitting about about 50 rides and we can play for more than an hour or so before I crash. Just kinda dumping my data logs for the devs. Hope this helps for further development. 6e5387d6-1005-4a2c-840d-4cd62ae01d0c.dmp 6e5387d6-1005-4a2c-840d-4cd62ae01d0c.sv6 c80d1173-308f-44a0-a69b-8b310cc037c3.dmp c80d1173-308f-44a0-a69b-8b310cc037c3.sv6
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