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  1. So I'm playing RCT2, I pick "Build your Own Six Flags Park" from the main menu, and the game smacks me upside the head with a gigantic blank canvas of park. I'm sitting here thinking "Well, I know how to manage a park, but how the hell do I start building one? I think this goes here, that looks messy...maybe that goes, I don't want it there..." Before I know it, I'm down to 500kr before any guests come because I can't decide where the frick to put my stuff. What do I do to start building a new park? How should I draw footpaths? Should coasters/buildings go outside footpaths, inbetween them, etc.? I'm not sure what to do...
  2. Hey guys! Let me be the first to say I freaking love your open source port of RCT2. It's been a part of my childhood for so long and I love the game. Now that it's free (kind of) I can die happy. Let me know if I break any rules, I've been known around my friends and family to be quite the clumsy one.
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