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Everything posted by Moonie

  1. All you have to do, is open a blank map, own all land. Following owning all land, select the hill forming tool, and form a hill (2x2 sized or larger) right on the edge of the map. It doesn't do it immediately for me, but it happened after about 15 minutes into creating the map!
  2. Hi all. I'm back with one more question/issue. I've been terraforming my new landscape for my project, and I noticed its glitching, pretty badly I might add, in the one corner of the park. Does anyone know how to fix this? I'm not a computer guru. I'm using the most up-to-date build. This is the second time this has happened, and I had to start the map over last time. Thanks
  3. I figured that would be the case, was just hoping maybe their was a trick to get it to work! Thanks!
  4. I recently downloaded the new developmental version to take advantage of no park borders. I am having a lot of problems with the guest entry points. The game will not allow me to place them on the edge of the map unless the property isn't owned (which defeats the purpose of removing the god-awful park border fence). Is there a trick to this?
  5. Hmm I un-checked "enable debugging tools", and then rechecked it, and now it works. Was very odd it didn't let me originally. Thanks for the help! I really enjoy being able to play RCT2 again, was restricted to my old machine before I stumbled upon Open!
  6. I was trying to get the object selection window to open up inside a regular game since I forgot a few scenery objects. The console won't allow me to type commands into it. I did get the objects, but I ended up managing to add them in on the regular RCT2 scenario editor before it crashed as it always does (my main reason for switching to open).
  7. I have a park I'm pretty well into right now. Spent close to 20 hours on it already. I forgot a few scenery objects, and I used to just open the saved game in the scenario editor (which always worked, went to load landscape but backed up into saved games and did it that way.), but Open RCT2 won't show my save game files, so I can't do it that way (if someone could help me with that, that'd be great also). I tried to open the object selector in the console, but it won't register anything I type.
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