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Everything posted by xXJeremeyXx

  1. Hello, My name is Jeramey. Im 25 From las Vegas Nevada. I'm thrilled to see that someone took there time to even better the game and fix the bugs! As soon as i got the game up and running and started to play I immediately noticed bug fixes and how a lot of things where made easier! Will look fowared to future updates and talking with everyone of the forums! Build on!
  2. (Sorry for the double post) Hello! Ive been playing RCT2 Just on my pc and ive alwase had OpenTTD. I just found out there was an OpenRCT2! I downloaded the installer and stable but i get a error message saying "OpenRCT2 not installed or not found. Downloading. When it is done, feel free to press play again" I'm not sure what i need to do to get it up and running. -Jeremey Running Windows 10 And a downloaded version of game
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