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  1. I've been experimenting with self interlocking roller coaster designs and I came across unexpected behaviour. After leaving them running they would just stop... Looking at the velocity/time graphs (should be "Speed" instead, right?) showed an abrupt and near instantaneous drop. I wasn't sure why this occurred so I built some test tracks and as far as I can tell, when two coasters pass by one another within an interlocked loop, there is a chance they will clip causing a coaster to lose a lot of speed and so cause a pile up or worse, crash. I have tried wooden, looping, twister and corkscrew roller coasters, all of which exhibit this behaviour to varying degrees. Oddly, depending on whether you select "test" or "open", the outcome changes somewhat. Both the wooden and looping coasters failed in either scenario though the wooden coaster had to be closed then reopened. The corkscrew also failed on both occasions but getting a result required speeding the game up further using cheat engine (x4 in game x100 CE). I'm not sure if it would still occur under normal circumstances. As for the twister... I have no idea. Every now and again it would crash but can't say for certain so I'll leave it out. Finally the issue is prevalent in the original RCT2 though I only tried the wooden coaster. The only means to circumvent the behaviour is to make it so that only one coaster occupies the space enclosed by the loop at a time either by altering the waiting behaviour or decreasing the number of coasters. Feel free to download and test them out. They'll hopefully explain what's going on a bit better. Corkscrew Roller Coaster interlock test.TD6 Looping Roller Coaster interlock test.TD6 Wooden Roller Coaster interlock test.TD6
  2. Been looking around for any example of it's use and as far as I can tell, people either don't use it or they don't know about it. I'm hoping it's the latter otherwise I've been a fool. Simply start with an shallow hill and chain followed by a steeper incline with no chain then a shallow piece with no chain... then repeat. Just bear in mind, the coasters you intend to use must have enough carriages to bridge the gap between two chain lift segments. I've only tried this with wooden and corkscrew coasters but I assume it will work for all that can incorporate a steep hill segment. Side by side comparison with synchronised coasters...
  3. This is so useful. Very much appreciated!
  4. Thanks guys! There seems like a lot of ride specific constants for many individual things. I kind of want to try tabulating them if it hasn't been done already but I'm not sure what to look for. From correct me if I'm wrong but just as an example, from lines 1405 to 1437, the numbers between them all apply to a spiral roller coaster?
  5. Can anyone translate this into something a simpleton like me can understand?
  6. Having recently seen the RCT Wikia, I'm beginning to understand just what goes into determining these variables but I was wondering... Would be possible to take a look at the equations (if any) behind the three ratings? Thanks.
  7. I've been unable to find my tracks in C:\Program Files (x86)\Infogrames\RollerCoaster Tycoon 2\Tracks... and yet RCT2 can and I don't understand why. Tracks will show up however if saved elsewhere and will remain so even when moved into the Tracks folder but this is exclusive only to those I move. Checking the "Hidden items" box in the "View" tab doesn't appear to do anything. Can anyone explain why this occurs and how to fix it if possible? Also, is there a program that can open and edit a TD6 file other than RCT? Thanks!
  8. Thanks! Loving the work you guys have done so far.
  9. Having known of the community for OpenTTD, I thought I'd have a gander and see if one existed for RCT... I was and still am pleasantly surprised; I haven't even tried it out yet (will be getting to that very soon). I look forward to the future of OpenRCT2 and a big thank you for breathing life back into this brilliant game.
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