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Everything posted by Maize04

  1. There should be no problem to start a 32bit program on a 64bit system, just try it
  2. First of all, thanks for fixing the save file!! We both used the demo version of RCT2 with a german language exe (i will attach the file), because we had a problem with our different expansions. The openrct built was 1651 and our systems are both Windows 10. We had no debugging tools and just a clean install of openrct without the launcher etc. German.exe
  3. I don't know how or when exactly the map became corrupt. After the first minutes there was no problem to load the file again, but after going on with the Park there started the problem. And I have no idea how the scenery got there. But it would be pretty awesome, when the file could be fixed Maize
  4. Maize04


    Hello, I'm Maize and I read about this project two days ago. Since then I'm totally excited and can't stop playing. Esppcially the Multiplayer part is amazing. A few years ago RCT was my absolut favorite game and no it's reborn for me So, thanks for the many hours of fun I will have wth this game!!
  5. I have one problem, we played with two people in multiplayer modus and saved the game after it. The Problem is, i can't load the game again, it crashes after a few seconds and shows me the dialog "openrct.exe has stopped working". I already deleted all rides to see if there is a problem with one of them, but it chrashed again. We both have a Win10 PC and played with the 1651 build, but I tested the file with other builds and it always chrashed after a few seconds. I attached the file that produces the error. It woult be totally nice, when someone would be able to solve the problem. Maize Mape.sv6
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