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Everything posted by Tioga060

  1. Got it, will mess around with it tomorrow. Also, I discovered the original issue I was having was that I kept my game open between server restarts. It turns out I had to restart my game each time I restarted the server or it wouldn't connect to the server. I was able to put together a website that lets my friends upload and play scenarios on my server and it works now that I know I just need to restart my game.
  2. Ah I didn't think to check the github, I was just looking here I will mess around with the linux build, my system uses Ubuntu 14.04.2. Thanks for the help
  3. Sorry, I'm not sure I understand. There are only windows builds of both openrct2 and rct2, correct? My server is linux and not windows because I purchased the server a while ago for webdev projects.
  4. I was under the impression that the only way to use rct2 and openrct2 on linux was through wine. I have had the linux server for a while now and I wanted to mess around with installing openrct2 on it. I'm not that well versed in any of this so I may be doing something completely wrong. I've done a sort of a fix that has worked after some testing that involves me switching between the following two scripts: cd /var/www/ && HOME=/var/www/ wine /var/www/rct/openrct2.exe --headless --port 11753 /var/www/rct/frontiers2.sv6 > /dev/null & cd /var/www/ && wine /var/www/rct/openrct2.exe --headless --port 11753 /var/www/rct/frontiers2.sv6 > /dev/null & By switching between setting the wine HOME and not setting it when I run the game I am able to restart it and connect to it multiple times in a row (when I start the server I use the script that isn't the one I used to start it the previous time). I am not sure why this is though because I am not great with this stuff, so if you have any insight as to why this may be that'd be awesome. If not then I guess we can consider this resolved for now.
  5. I'm messing with trying to create a linux/php based website management system where a user can upload a scenario file then reboot my server with the new scenario file. I was able to successfully start the server with a php script that basically opens openrct2.exe on my remote linux server with wine and points to the scenario file, and was able to connect to the rct server from my home pc. However, when I kill the server using killall openrct2.exe and attempt to restart it with a different scenario, I get errors with the advertise server that appear to prevent me from connecting to it. When I connect from my pc, it gets to the authentication stage then is unable to complete the connection. Ready for clients... fixme:toolhelp:CreateToolhelp32Snapshot Unimplemented: heap list snapshot fixme:toolhelp:Heap32ListFirst : stub ERROR[src\network\http.cpp:135 (http_request_json)]: HTTP request failed: Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?). WARNING[src\network\network.cpp:882 (Network::AdvertiseRegister::<lambda_daae3c5cee0e3be7d009c502fe4f504e>::operator ())]: Unable to connect to master server ^Cfixme:console:CONSOLE_DefaultHandler Terminating process 36 on event 0 Does anyone have any insight on how I can fix this? The first startup after a while works fine, but subsequent startups get this HTTP request failure.Maybe there's a more graceful way of killing the server than killall openrct.exe that wont create this issue with the ssl ca certificaiton?
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