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  1. Wow ... I didn't know that. Since when is this possible in OpenRCT2?
  2. Way too late probably but just in case: In scenario editor go to the map > click on the sign button > uncheck all boxes. Then you can click on tiles of land that you own to 'disown' them. This allows you to shrink the park boundaries. Edit: somehow the image is not attached properly: Imgur link
  3. You could take a backup of those files before you add RCT1 to OpenRCT2. In general I think you should be safe as OpenRCT2 stores the 'victories' in highscores.dat file in it´s own folder and the same goes for the saves. So it should not delete your scores in RCT1's data folder. But the most important thing is to take a backup of the RCT1 folder with your saves and scores if you want to be 100% safe.
  4. No, the current name was given right after or before opening. Are you suggesting that by changing the name people will forget about the crash?
  5. I have a roller coaster in my park that crashed when still in testing phase. > 3 years after it has been opened guests keep claiming it's unsafe. I currently run the latest stable (stable-1053). So first I'd like to know if this is a known issue (and maybe fixed in recent development builds)? I don't recall guests being so scared in the original game Screenshot:
  6. Looking forward to it
  7. This is Forest Frontiers (From RCT1) converted to a winter landscape. The reason I created this is that I was looking for easy snow parks (to make up for the lack of snow in my part of the real word right now ). There are winter parks in RCT2 like Alpine Adventure but that's not an easy scenario. I changed the objectives a bit (2 years is too short) but it's still an easy park. Download (Dropbox) Screenshot
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